Jessica Alba Used Electrical Muscle Stimulation As Part of Her Fitness Routine

by - October 25, 2023

 You can count on celebrities to try all kinds of exciting workout innovations. After all, they have access to some of the best trainers and newest technologies to help them work toward their fitness goals. Case in point, Jessica Alba's longtime trainer, Ramona Braganza, recently shared a snap of Alba utilizing electrical muscle stimulation while exercising.

Along with her caption, Braganza shared an image of Alba holding a squat while wearing an EMS suit to deliver targeted electric currents. "For my clients who lead very busy lives, making it easy to stay healthy and fit is imperative," continues Braganza in her caption.

This was Alba's first time trying EMS, Braganza tells Shape, explaining that she makes an effort to keep up with technological advancements and has been working with the company Wiemspro to do so. "Our initial session was to test out the suit, and it went well," she adds, noting "Jessica has always been open to trying new things."

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